SR-71 «BlackBird» strategic reconnaissance. Check Valery Postnikov Moscow 2001. SR-71A «BlackBird» Customer strategic reconnaissance A-12 CIA acted as shock possibilities for this machine seemed redundant. However, Kelly Johnson would fully realize the potential of their offspring: he believed that the Air Force also requires high-speed high-altitude spy who has the ability to strike at land-based targets. The discussions between Johnson and the higher ranks of the Air Force the ability to create such a plane were carried out from 1958, but formal proposal firm Lockheed received in March 1962 By this time the "Skank Works" project of strategic intelligence-R-12 bomber worked more than a year. Mock-ups of two alternatives (R-12 and RS-12) were prepared in April, and June 4 layouts senior officers visited the Air Force led by the commander, General Lee Kertyssa have. Li Mei opposed plans Johnson, believing the project RS-12 bomber sooner XB-70 "Valkyrie." End of dispute put McNamara, "buried" both programs. Oddly enough, "funeral» RS-12 were virtual, sly Johnson changed the transcript «RS» with «Reconnaissance / Strike» (reconnaissance / percussion) for «Reconnaissance Strategic» (strategic intelligence) and continued development of a "universal A-12" as he called RS-12. That's RS-12 said in his July 1964 speech, U.S. President Johnson - a plane in the text appeared under the designation RS-71, but the president mixed up letters: with his tongue soared «SR» and firmly prypechatav to spy. In general, the letters change places in this acronym meaning does not change completely - reconnaissance strategic or strategic reconnaissance. Index "71" meant following the reconnaissance variant of RS-70 (and remained virtual) bombers "Valkyrie."
The contract for construction of six prototypes of "universal A-12" firm Lockheed concluded in late December 1962 these aircraft were intended CIA, not the Air Force - the military still could not decide they need a plane or not. However, one of the engineers who participated in the program, believes that the BBC just wanted to spyhnuty CIA part of a financial burden - not in vain that the officers insisted on awarding the project cipher R-12, thus emphasizing that this is "only" Modified A-12 . Yet the opposition «SR» in the Air Force was much stronger than the CIA. In the early 60s in the U.S. fought a fierce debate over the further course of development of strategic and technical intelligence. Air Force disagreed with the existing situation, when strategic reconnaissance aircraft were operated by the CIA, in turn, the Office found a "new toy" - satellites, spies with cameras, with high resolution. At some point the parties come to a consensus - all reconnaissance aircraft pass into the jurisdiction of military aircraft, satellites also get the CIA. We can say at the moment of reaching the same consensus ordered to live long program A-12: military suit over SR. Although the CIA has managed to keep its already built A-12, the numerical increase of the park these cars vyklyuchalosya. No enough funds even to maintain the scouts in a condition ready to fly. Finally, in their hands the program R-12 Air Force took the spring 1963 The first meeting maketnoyi Commission held June 13, 1963 The military in general were satisfied, but they always came back to the early ideas of Kelly Johnson about the possibility of shock Scout functions. In August 1963 Air Force added to the former contract another 25 aircraft to the total number - 31. The prototype for the strategic intelligence SR-71 served as the fourth pilot aircraft interceptors, known under the designation YF-12C, which was intermediate between the interceptor and modification scout. Compared to the YF-12 fuselage prolonged at 0.91 m and returned to the former form of lateral influxes. In the rear part of fuselage found increased fuel tank. The main difference between R-12 A-12 was the presence of the second member of the crew cabin is equipped in the section designated for A-12 under the section on photographic equipment. Final assembly and equipping aircraft equipment were conducted not at a factory in Burbank, and Palmdeyli. Two truck trailers carried on 29 October 1964 in Palmdeyl huge boxes of fuselage and wings of aircraft. It seems just after arrival in Palmdeyl and began a close collaboration with the firm Lockheed military and designation SR-71 was used as an official. The first race engine assembled aircraft completed 18 December 1964, three days later, the first speed rulezhka away from the earth to a height of 12m. Lead Test Pilot SR-71 was designed "brand" pilot "Skank Works" Bob Hillilend. The next day, December 22, everything was ready before the first flight. Hillilend took place in the cab SR, preparing for take-off next three F-104 support, one of whom sat James Isthem also appointed test pilot SR-71. The first flight was successful, Hillilend wrote in the skies of the continental United States an enormous range, reaching a speed of M = 1.5 and a height of 15,244 m. With the receipt of new aircraft Burbank expanded testing program, which involved, besides Hilllenda and Isthema, and other pilots firm Lockheed - Bill Weaver and Art Peterson. At first, especially pressed engineers leaking hydraulic lines and fuel systems. However, in the summer of 1965 failed to complete most of the programs under I. Overall test results satisfied the customer, except flight range, which was 25% less than required. In January 1966 began testing the training modifications SR-71V. In winter 1965-66 biennium. SR-71 program suffered its first loss: January 25, crashed the third experienced scout. Through a system of intake plane lost control in flight at a speed of M = 3.0 and an altitude of 24,390 m. pilot Bill Weaver managed to escape, and Weaver had lost consciousness and did not remember how he ended up in slings parachute because katapultovanomu chair Weaver left the plane. Probably due to the high overload airflow disrupted canopy and literally pulled the pilot from the chair. The second crew member, Jim Sauer, died at the launching. Failures watched SK-71 to only air but also on the ground. A year after the disaster January 1966, January 10, 1967 had to write off the first prototype SR-71. Almost the entire braking process research program carried out on the ground Beat Weaver, remained uncovered several points program, including inhibition of the maximum flight weight. Art Peterson finished the program, Weaver at this time was at the funeral of his friend Walt Ray, who crashed on A-12. High speed runs took place at Edwards Air Base in specially soaked strip. At a speed of 370 km / h vypustyvsya braking parachute. On the wet surface of conventional brakes were ineffective, but as soon as SR jumped on dry land with the brakes caught the wheels, all six wheels tire burst main tower chassis simultaneously. Wheel discs, vysikayuchy sheaves of sparks, zachertili by WFP, lit by sparks produced from magnesium alloy hub wheels. The plane stopped only when proskochyv entire band and bow rack chassis zarylasya the soil dried up lake. Peterson strongly obhoriv and could not participate in flight for several weeks. In the summer of 1966 at takeoff "rozzuvsya" fifth prototype: as in the January case of sparks lit wheel hub, and then the aircraft itself. Crew of pilots - Air Force Lieutenant Colonel and Major Bill Sklyara Noel Uarnera safely left the burning car, jumping from the cab. After this case, magnesium wheels, bushings replaced with aluminum and set new pneumatics firm Goodrich. The next serious event occurred April 13, 1967: SR-71 hull number "17" crashed near Las Vegas, both crew members (officers of the 9th Wing) successfully katapultuvalysya. The reason again was associated with the work of propulsion. November 25, 1967 in Nevada crashed 16 and built aircraft, also piloted by the BBC crew. Crew flight in the night properly considered evidence aviahoryzontu and lost orientation in space. Pilots escaped, but another scout had to write off. Last flight tests during the accident occurred Dec. 18, 1969, the plane piloted by Air Force lieutenant Joe Rogers and Gary Heydelbeh. The flight was conducted under the RES working off-board system. After refueling from KC-135, shortly after entering the sverhzvuke, the crew heard a strong cotton, followed by a sharp drop in thrust engines and loss of control plane. Scout out to large angles of attack and collapsed on the wing. Eleven seconds after cotton Rogers commanded: «Let's go» - gone! Launching successful - the officers landed on the southern edge of Death Valley, pcs. California. Reason cotton or explosion and remained unclear. Could be the cause of the disaster is likely to again work related vozduhozabonika. When there is air-nezapuske assymmetryy very large thrust engines. Krenytsya plane and dumped on the wing. This problem "namalyuvalasya" at the design stage A-12. To avoid asymmetry traction even considered option setting both engines in the fuselage, but ultimately decided the problem of asymmetry of thrust and "nezapuska" air-pay "at the mercy of" automatic control system work vozduhozabornykov. "Nezapusk" povitryazabirnykiv remained the most vulnerable place for all aircraft series A-12/YF-12/SR-71. Over time, these problems could be solved only partially by recruiting regulatory factors in the management system and replacing analog systems to digital. Many risky flight program debugging system of air inlets executed Bill Weaver. In-flight Weaver intentionally interrupted state "start": according to him, feeling with sensation reminded of the passenger train rushes courier not on rails, and on cross ties. By the end of 1967 the firm Lockheed gave the BBC the last 31-and ordered reconnaissance SR-71; line with their production was preserved. You may do this and should not have, as a series of disasters and events of the scouts continued. Basically, the "grave" aircraft, manned combatant pilots (until now SR-71 were already in service with the 9th Strategic intelligence wing). Training SR-71B crashed Jan. 11, 1968 An experienced pilot, commander of the 99 th Squadron, took out a cadet in his third flight to scout. Already on the way home refused generator, battery allowed to work the aircraft within 30 minutes, but this was little - SR crashed 12 kilometers north of the base. Aircraft number 11 suffered 29 July 1968 from the right engine fire, which occurred in flight at a speed of M = 2.88 and an altitude of 29,732 m. An experienced pilot noticed a burning light bulb in time alarm, immediately turned off the engine and managed to return to the airfield. In October 1968, at takeoff burst tires wheel drive broke apart the fuel tank, the fire started. Uncontrollable plane rolled beyond the band, crew catapulted but managed to survive only operator. April 11, 1969, another fire - the fifth SR-71. All three of these aircraft had to write off, although they remained maintainability, but they did not recover from an extremely high cost of repairs. Finally, June 17, 1970 SR-71 collided over New Mexico with tanker KC-135Q, Prospector crashed, Boeing could doshkandybav to its base. Officially the flight test for Category 1 and II ended in May 1972, a huge contribution to the program A-12, YF-12 and SR-71 Award of the Society test-pilots were Lu Schalke, Bill Perks, Jim and Bob Isthem Hillilend. SR-71B / C «BlackBird» Education and training option of strategic intelligence for training pilots SR-71 and conduct training flights have built two "SPARK» SR-71V. Outside the plane was almost identical to the "Titanic goose" - double A-12. Cab instructor, located behind cab cadet, with a slight excess of need provided an overview. To improve road resistance training in modifying motohondolamy installed additional bifida. The first training session took off SR # 956 November 18, 1965. He piloted by Bob Gilliland and Steven Belgau. December 18 Bill Weaver and Jim Eastham raised a second SR-71B - # 957. SR-71V # 956 was the first Blackbird, which came into service 4200 the first strategic intelligence wing. January 7, 1966 in his perehnav Beat with airbase Edwards personally unit commander - Colonel D. Nelson. Training SR-71B # 957 crashed Jan. 11, 1968 An experienced pilot, commander of the 99 th Squadron, took out a cadet in his third flight to scout. Already on the way home refused generator, battery allowed to work the aircraft within 30 minutes, but this was little - SR crashed 12 kilometers north of the base. Robert Sowers and David Fruehauf katapultuvalysya successfully. To replace the broken machine manufactured Twin SR-71S S / N 64-17981, hardly differed from its predecessor: prystykuvaly to severely damaged when landing YF-12A (S / N 60-6934) of the nose fuselage SR-71, which was intended to static tests. SR-71B (17 956) and 2 SR-71A (971 and 980) in 1990 were transferred to NASA, receiving numbers 831, 832 and # 844 respectively, and used as flying laboratories. | Description | | Developer | Lockheed | | Mark | SR-71B | | to code the name of NATO | BlackBird (blackbird) | | Type | Training and Educational option | | | Strategic Intelligence | | First flight | November 18, 1965 | | Crew people. | 2 | | Geometrical and mass characteristics | | Length, m | 32,74 | | Height, m | 5,64 | | Wingspan, m | 16,95 | | Wing area, m2 | 167,23 | | Takeoff weight, kg | normal | 63505 | | | maximum | 77,110 (78,000) | | Power plant | | Number of engines | 2 | | Engine | turbojet Pratt-Whitney | | | J58 | | engine thrust, kgf | maksimal | 10340 | | | to Boost | 14723 | | Flight Data | | Maximum range (with a | 4800 (5200) | | refueling in the air), km | | | Maximum speed at altitude | 3220 (3,0) | | 24000 m, km / h (M =) | | SR-71 «BlackBird» Developers strategic reconnaissance SR-71 had to overcome enormous difficulties in the design. Many problems have arisen as a result of heating during long airplane flights at a rate of 3 times the speed of sound. Because of the high temperature aircraft was painted in black, for which he earned the nickname - BlackBird (blackbird). Black paint, made of ferrite-based, dispersed heat, keeping their part of it from the surface plane, and the limitation of radar visibility plane. The company has developed radiopohlynayuchi shypopodibnomu construction with plastic honeycomb filler, which withstand heating to 275oS. On SR-71 radiopohlynayuchi material used in the construction of wings and socks elevonov. It refers to the first generation of subtle aircraft (stealth). On the plane were the engine of the firm 'Pratt-Whitney »J.58 (JT11D-20B), developing on Afterburner thrust of 14,470 kg. At a speed of M = 3 DAP gave only 18% thrust, the rest was provided forsazhnoyu camera that works in uniflow air-breathing engine. Special JP-7 fuel used to cool the shell (chassis and BREO) so that the engines it podavalosya heated to 320O. Fuel tanks are located at the top of the fuselage and wing consoles. To increase the flight range of aircraft equipped with refueling in the air. Originally formed two squadrons of aircraft SR-71A. However, high operating cost that was only in 1975 about 56 million dollars, forced to put a squadron of conservation. There were made 29 SR-71A and 2 trainings SR-71B. The cost of the program exceeded $ 1 billion SR-71A crew consists of pilot and operator of the intelligence apparatus, which also performs the functions of navigator and flight engineer, and if necessary, can pilot aircraft. New katapultovanomu chairs «Martin Baker Mk H» are part of the rescue, providing a safe launching from a height of 30 km at a speed of flight M = 3. Much of the exploration equipment used was specifically developed for the SR-71. Automatic astroinertsionnaya autonomous navigation system allows to observe the stars and to calculate the location of these aircraft, even in daylight, and air data computer and onboard computers provide highly accurate flight on a given route. Intelligence equipment consists of aerofotoapparatov, side view and radar equipment that operates in the infrared range. In the nasal compartment of the instrument houses the panoramic aerofotokamera. It was noted that the height of 24 km for 1 hour flight onboard equipment allows to explore an area of 155 (260) tys.km2. After a five-year break caused by financial difficulties, in 1995 the U.S. Congress again allocated $ 100 million to operate the SR-71 aircraft. This decision was taken after analysis of the Gulf War in winter 1991, they found it expedient to enter into force the plane to the adoption of unmanned reconnaissance aircraft "Tier-3 negative." Funds sufficient for the Reactivation of the two aircraft and the enforcement of each of them 12-15 flights during the first month of operation. The first aircraft planned to enter into force in June 1995, the second in September. At the Air Force depots were needed for this set of parts, including 28 engines, Pratt Whitney J-58. In January 1997 SR-71 began to fly again. | Description | | Developer | Lockheed | | Mark | SR-71A | | to code the name of NATO | BlackBird (blackbird) | | Type | Strategic Reconnaissance | | First flight | December 22, 1964 | | Crew. | 2 | | Geometrical and mass characteristics | | Length, m | 32,74 (33,16) | | Height, m | 5,64 | | Wingspan, m | 16,95 | | Wing area, m2 | 167,23 (166,94) | | Take-off weight, kg | norms. | 63505 | | | max. | 77110 (78 000) | | empty aircraft weight, kg | 27215 | | Specific load | norms. | 380 | | on the wing, kg/m2 | | | | | max. | 461 | | Power plant | | Number of engines | 2 | | Engine | TRDF Pratt & Whitney J58 | | engine thrust, kgf | maksimal | 10340 | | | to Boost | 14723 | | thrust | norms. | 0,46 | | | max. | 0,37 | | Volume of fuel tanks, l | 36290 | | Flight Data | | The maximum flight range (with single | 4800 (5230) | | refueling in the air), km | | | range, km | 1930 | | Duration flight h | 1,5 | | Maximum | at the height of 24,000 m | 3300 (3,07) | | speed, | | | | km / h (M =) | | | | | at an altitude of 9150 m | 2125 ( 1,95) | | Take-off speed, km / h | 370 | | landing speed, km / h | 334 | | Practical ceiling, m | 25900 (26500) | | Length of take-weight 63,505 kg, m | 1646 | | Take-off distance at normal weight, | 2745 | | m | | | Length of run, m | 1097 | | landing distance, m | 1830 | | Weapon | | Arms | No | | Year of adoption of | 1966 | SR-71 «BlackBird» strategic reconnaissance scouts in the fighting ranks Preparation for the adoption of the Air Force SR-71 spy unfolded hard summer 1964, a place where they are based have chosen airbase Bill (Beale AFB). The official date of formation of the 4200 th Strategic intelligence wing said December 14, 1964, in command of the wing joined Colonel Douglas Nelson. Wing was part of the Strategic Air Command U.S. Air Force. In addition to SR-71, adopted the wings had come sixteen of training T-38, intended to support engineering skills piloting pilots in intelligence, the wing received the T-38 in July 1965 The first SR-71 in perehnav Beat with airbase Edwards 7 January 1966 Colonel Nelson personally, it was a training SR-71V, and the first "battle" (nine aircraft built) scout came to Beat three months - April 4. Especially for new intelligence service in the version of CS-135Q converted 30 tankers, they have established systems that can work with fuel JP-7, was applicable at the SR-71. Strategic intelligence could refuel in the air only from the KC-135Q. Requirements for pilots SR-71 advanced very hard: flying on a jet aircraft at least 2,000 hours, with 1,500 hours - as the commander of the crew or instructor, life in the Air Force or reserve - at least 16 years of medical claims compared with the requirements for astronauts mandatory access to documents, marked «Top Secret». A few more soft plaque and requirements for health pred'yavlyalysya to the operators of intelligence equipment. A set is made only on a voluntary basis. Among the first ten pilots 4,200 th wing of five previously flew on B-58, two - at U-2, two - the V-47 and one was a graduate school test-pilots the Air Force. Preparing to fly to the "black bird" began to fly the T-38 and work on ground simulators spy. After passing all tests dozvolyavsya export flight of SR-71V. Duration of the first flight was usually about two hours, and the plane did not exceed the speed of sound, but imituvalasya Refuelling in the air from the tanker KC-135Q. In the second and third flight newcomer acquainted with the peculiarities of the behavior of machines and refined sverhzvuke of contact with the tanker, the fourth flight performed during the night. Practice has shown that departure on the night after only 8-9 hours a raid on SR - a risky event, then the first night flight dozvolyavsya only after a raid on SR-71V at least 50 h. After the fifth flight was considered a newcomer prepared for independent work on the SR-71A. Status' readiness to perform combat mission pilot received following the six training flights on SR-71A. The program introduction on average took 30-35 hours of flight SR-71A / B and at least 100 hours working on bikes. Even more time has held training technical staff. The aircraft was exceptionally difficult to use. Closest analogue of the preparatory process for SR-71 flight to the process of preparing peredstartovoyi space launch vehicle. However, the missile does not require pislyapolotnoho reviews, and in SR'a was necessary after planting to about 650 checks! Five technicians within six hours of studying the state of airframe, two appliances to power plants also devote several hours of careful review povitryazabirnykiv, engine, exhaust and bypass devices. And this after each flight! After every 25, 100 and 200 flying hours was subjected to scout view with partial disassembly. Yes, the 100 - hour inspection of occupied eleven 16-hour days assembling the engine on the plane by 8.9 professional with a hydraulic hoist took 8-9 hours. During this test, usually changing both engines regardless of their condition, although according to the instructions provided for replacement of motors through 200 hours of flight, and this procedure was given 15 working days. Every three years, again - regardless of flying, planes passed technical inspection at the plant in the firm Lockheed Palmdeyli. Overhaul engines Pratt & Whitney firm carried motor developments after 600 hours is not surprising that for service SR-71 needed an extra class professionals, their training took a few years. The selection of personnel was conducted only among the sergeants who served in the Air Force at least four years, then sergeants were the initial training period of 18-24 months. After passing tests newly specialists received clearance to work in intelligence, but only under the supervision of more experienced senior colleagues. For admission to independent work must be "vidpahaly" apprentice at least 18 months. This beautifully painted on paper, the procedure of preparation of technicians for SR-71 is not always followed. Worked on the material side and relatively poorly trained sergeants, in this case dramatically increased time routine maintenance. The best quality in the shortest possible time spent regulations Lockheed engineers and Pratt & Whitney, but that their services were worth much more than pay for military personnel. In some cases, Air Force went on to contract with the firm of Lockheed maintenance combatant scouts. Preparing for take-off began well before the start of engines. Over 1.5 hours before the start of pilot and operator rozvidobladnannya dress in armor, in the spacesuit of portable systems is given pure oxygen to breathe and cool air to prevent overheating of the body. L'otchykiv resupply to the plane 45 minutes before the scheduled start time. Engines run and oprobyvat in the hangar for 30 minutes before takeoff. After-block strip is at the initial exhibition of inertial navigation system on the most visible star bright sky (in INS memory stored the coordinates of 52 stars, astroorientator "sees" a star at any time of day). Detachment of the band occurs at a speed of 400 km / h and the pitch angle 10 °, the average run length is 1300 meters height of 7500 meters on the instrument takes flight speed of 680 km / h in 2.5 minutes. At this altitude spy goes to the sustainable value of the speed of M = 0.9. Usually right after entering the train made refueling tanker from the KC-135Q. After refueling pilot includes autopilot and translates the Gaza Strip for a maximum forsazhnyy mode. Climb starts on the instrument speed of 860 km / h and is performed with strict schedule (usually a plane "Pilots" autopilot), to overcome the sound barrier does not cause any peculiarities in the behavior of the aircraft. At an altitude of 24,000 meters and the speed of M = 3 autopilot off. Pilots consider piloting technique SR-71 is simple enough, noting, however, that in case of abnormal situation of time making the right decision almost remains. Decrease as the climb is done by autopilot disconnect on carefully calculated trajectory and begins on the instrument speed 750 km / h. The final approach is performed on the instrument speed of 450 km / h, reduced by glideslope - at 430 km / h at the time of contact strip speed shall be 270 km / h on the unit. Length of run of the released brake parachute is 1100 m. Quite specific flight profile spy pilots demanded special skills and even of thinking. Commanded a reconnaissance wing in the mid-70s, Colonel Storr in an interview "Avieyshn Week" said, "I need the system managers, not people who know how to handle and pedal stoke." 4200th Strategic Intelligence wing (SRW - Strategic Reconnaissance Wing) 25 June 1966 was transformed into the 9th SRW, becoming the successor to the disbanded 9th Strategic Aerospace Wing, armed bombers B-47. 9th SRW included two strategic reconnaissance squadron - 1 st and 99 th. 1st Squadron is one of the oldest aviation units of the world, it was formed in early 1913 for aerial reconnaissance in the US-Mexican border in the interests Infantry Division of General Pershing. The first combat missions of reconnaissance squadron pilots completed in 1916 pilots 9th wings were not only military training, but also served on flights of Phase III program of flight tests. In the mid-70's wing pilots took part in weapons systems vidpratsyuvanni F-15 fighters, simulating the Soviet MiG-25. Test results were such that trouble - F-15 is not able to deal effectively with high-altitude high-speed targets. The population of the continental United States acquainted with the latest aircraft not only with photographs and newspaper and magazine articles, and for many citizens of familiarity with the scouts was not the kind of pleasant. Taking off from airbase Beat, SR-71 circled over all States, including over major cities. About spans scouts population diznavalosya by powerful shock waves aircraft then flew trehmahovom, mode, and a large height only weakened but not extinguished the moment. Shaken periodically complaints arose out of nowhere thunder at clear sky. For the time Air Force officials have remained silent, but the flow perturbation is increased activity showed some reason most residents of Los Angeles. In the end the Air Force July 10, 1967 acknowledged that the sonic booms, shaken city caused spans strategic reconnaissance plane SR-71, the military expressed willingness to pay damages for any damage arising as a result of these attacks. The public reacted immediately to the statement by the BBC - for the month was lodged 564 complaints and 66 lawsuits in the amount of $ 35,000 followed by residents of Los Angeles pulled complaints and lawsuits from San Francisco, New York, Chicago and St. Louis. In 1971 part of the scouts put on the conservation, all the others were transferred to the first squadron, while in the 99th were all built in the Air Force U-2. In 1975, the number of aircraft are armed with increased again, probably a few more cars removed from storage in 1983 Reliable information about the number of combat-ready SR-71 for the year is missing, most sources indicate that after 1975 the inventory of the 9th wings were from nine to eleven aircraft. Another reorganization of the Air Force conducted in August 1981, when all the training and the SR-71V U-2/TR-1 reduced to one 4029th strategic intelligence training squadron. SR-71A «BlackBird» Martial strategic reconnaissance flights Indochina America "vlypla" in the Vietnam War very firmly and tip of Okinawa A-12 - the only manned aircraft that can conduct reconnaissance impunity North Vietnam - painfully affected the awareness of armed U.S. forces in Indochina. Holy place is never empty - in the first half of 1968 in Kaden landed four SR-71. Japanese planes quickly nicknamed "Heba» (Habu) - for thin silhouette, like, in their opinion, the local venomous snake heba. Name accounted for the soul crew scouts and has spread among pilots and technical staff, including among troops of the 9th Wing, on Okinawa will never not been. The name "Black Bed" was never for the SR-71 official, moreover, in a narrow circle of people involved in the development and exploitation of intelligence, it, unlike "Heby 'popularity not enjoyed. Four planes, pilots, technical staff, who came to Okinawa, I formed a unit of the 9th SRW. Further flying unit I changed at intervals of 70 days - time travel to the war. First time SR-71 appeared on the SVR in April 1968, piloted reconnaissance crew of pilot, Major Jerome 0'Melli and operator Evard Major Payne. In the future, such operations have become commonplace: a week of exploration flew from one to three times. Take-off is usually appointed at 10.00-14.00 h local time, depending on weather conditions. After take-off aircraft gained speed and altitude and lay on the course, leaving Alexander with Taiwan right side, Luzon - the left, over the island of Hainan spy returns to battle the course, crossed Tonkinskiy bay and went into the airspace of the SVR is usually near Haiphong. Then the route leading to Hanoi, through Laos to Thailand, sometimes SR «zabyravsya" in Chinese air space, usually a "downturn" is not specifically implemented - Vietnam was just too small for high-speed aircraft spreads (for the same reason during the eighties years scouts MiG-25 is very short time flew over Bulgaria - spreads on airplanes norovyly "hook" that Turkey, then Greece). Above Thailand, near the airbase Karat, scout dozapravlyavsya of KC-135 and lay back on course, often flying back over the DRV and leading photography. Weather conditions do not always allow aircraft to fly on the ceiling of 75,000 feet (22,866 m). Due to dense clouds in the rainy season, pilots had to "pidnyryuye" under the clouds. Loss of height has a negative effect on the stability of the aircraft, making it difficult piloting the machine. During one flight reconnaissance photographed hundreds of objects, from tanks to the camps of war Americans. In particular, before an unsuccessful operation Green Berets "Falling Rain" with the release of prisoners from the camp Son Tay, SR-71 had photographed the alleged places of detention of prisoners. Vietnameses constantly trying to get intelligence: the U.S. data for the four aircraft SR-71 complexes with S-75 fired several hundred rockets, all by. It is believed that the success of pilots provided mounted on board SR-71 RES equipment, "hasivshaya" radar guidance system S-75. Each reconnaissance flight on board the SR-71 appeared white image heba snakes. Most crews among the first flying from Okinawa were awarded the Cross "For Merits flight." In carrying out exploration in Vietnam was lost two planes. The first crashed May 10, 1970 on Thailand. After refueling crew met a storm front, trying to rise above the clouds, the pilot brought the aircraft beyond the heavy restrictions on the pitch angle, resulting in traction engines fell sharply and the car lost control. The crew dropped to the ground near the airbase at Carat parachutes. Another loser was the plane, known under its own name «Rapid Rabbit» (symbol Playboy). Scout crashed July 20, 1972 after a successful flight to explore the SVR for planting, which was performed at strong side wind. In principle, landing in a strong side wind has been tested - was recommended to produce braking parachute to the touch strip and shoot it immediately after the first, a sharp quenching speed. If such a landing wind could not "catch" the parachute and pull down the plane with the runway at the same time released the parachute time to repay the speed to a value sufficient to airplane proskochyv all runways. At the ill-fated day in May and released the pilot parachute vidstrilyv, strictly adhering to the methodology, but could not withstand the general direction of landing. In the second round he went is not the main means of braking.
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