Airbus-310 aircraft designed by Airbus-300. The main difference is a shorter fuselage and flight range. A-310 200 series appeared to medium-haul and 300 series has a long-distance. It increased takeoff weight and flight range. The high efficiency achieved by perfectly projected wings.
Nyzkoroztashovane dvohlonzheronnoyi wing structure is located below the engine, the upper and lower wing skin is perceived workload, along with a set force, which provides it a good bearing properties at low speeds. The front edge consoles consists with three flaps. On the back - two sections Fowler flaps. Between sessions roztashuvuyutsya aileron flaps that make high-speed control is provided on roll. At low speeds - while aileron and intertseptoriv (roztashovuyutsya on the upper surface of the wing flaps to the outer sections. From the outside intertseptoriv dvohsektsiynyy brake set. When planting intertseptor brake and working together.
In zakintsivkah consoles wing located venhlety (vertical surface), which reduces the inductive reactance, thus preventing the flow of air over the surface of the wings.
Tail feathers of the normal scheme. Installed metal stabilizer angle can be changed in flight. Ruli height made of composite material. Keel is attached to the top of the fuselage with three bolted connection. They closed obtikachamy. In zakintsivkahScheme
Kompanovochna scheme aircraft Airbus A-310stabilizers and the stakes are stikachi static electricity.
Cabin length is 33.24 m, width - 5.28 m, height - 2.33 m. The aircraft is certified to the variant of a class cabin for 280 passengers. And in standard konfihuratsiyiyi he has two cabin for 220 people. In front of the cabin roztashovuyutsya toilets and kitchen.
In the cabin there are two sealed compartments for luggage. In front of the rear compartment provides the ability to install two additional fuel tanks, capacity of 7190 liters. Near tsentroplana are niche stoyek chassis.
The cockpit information displays at 6-indicators sized 16 cm by 16 cm Two indicator displays piloting information for two - navigation. Another two indicators are displayed on-board monitors and alarm systems. Indicators complemented redundant mechanical appliances.
Originally envisaged to use engines with 222 kN thrust. We stopped on the following engines: CF6-90A of General Electric, JY9D-7R4 company Pratt and Whitney and RB211-52 manufacturers Rolls-Rois. And then appeared W5148 engine company Pratt and Whitney of 258.10 kN thrust and requirements changed. The diameter of the engine at 2.5 meters for cancellations one engine plane can fly 3 hours. one.
In the rear part of the aircraft auxiliary power unit located Garret GTCP 331-250. Provides on-board systems for engines excluded.
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