Even before the official introduction of serial repair Su-9 (see "Path to Su-9") began their aviation vyhotovlyuvaty number 153 in Siberia and the number 30 "Banner of Labor" in Moscow. Throughout the release Su-9 to constantly improved and upgraded. Mostly this was due to the advent of new equipment and weapons. Thus, in February 1961. was oblitanyy Su-9 (№ 0805) with automatic radiokompasom ARC-10. In the late 1960s aircraft was completed registration automatic flight SARPP-12, and LDPE-5 was replaced by LDPE-18.
In 1969 replaced by plane missiles at P-55 with thermal homing head developed by MT Pikotoyu. Also used Su-9 with two RS-2 Us and two P-55. This upgraded radar RP-9U, then called the RP-9UK.Tried to use as a fighter bomber, setting instead pidfyuzelyazhnyh tank container UPK-23-250. But in this case is significantly reduced flight range.
The development of aircraft held in parts difficult. Time was given, and the plane was quite difficult to manage. For example, first began development of fighter regiment in Tolmachevo (near Novosibirsk), they gave the "up" for four months. Nobody took into account the lack of SPARC in this type of aircraft.
Even in 1959, Sukhoi Design Bureau started to develop training and Martial machines Su-9U, that while the name was the U-43. Fuselage was elongated by 600 mm. Consisted of two Lantern kozyrkыv stationary, two folding parts and frames that split the cab. Also lantern was equipped with lock skyduvannya. The composition of air conditioning systems include birth defects. The number of suspensions for missiles reduced from four to two, leaving only the exterior. Take-off weight of aircraft increased by 630 kg compared to T-43.
January 25, 1961 pilot EK Kukushevym was made its first flight. After the factory test it sent to derzhvyprobuvannya in Ahtubinsk. And by the way broken engine AL-7F-1-100V. Repairing it is not subject to, and could only replace it in April. State testing in-43 ended in December 1961, made 83 flights.
During the tests had to seriously modify the design of the lantern for a better view of the rear cabin.
EK Kukushev March 23, 1962 flew the updated Su-9U, in the second half of April had control tests, then was recommended for personal training staff. All Spark made the plant number 30.
Operated aircraft Su-9 in the 30 air regiments air defense, the latter part of the replaced data to a newer fighters to 1981, ie more than twenty years, Su-7 protected spaces of the USSR.
I installed a number of records. More July 14, 1959 VS Ilyushin dynamic ceilings reached 28,852 m. May 28, 1960 BM Andrianov flying 100 km at a speed of 2095 km / hr.
In September 1962 in the lightweight version of the fighter engine that was thrust on Boost by 12% higher than normal pilot VS Ilyushin performed horizontal flight at an altitude of 21,170 m, and AO Koznov flying 500 km at a speed of 2337 km / hr.
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