Medium bomber and attack aircraft A-26 Invader (about the history and use read the article "Plane A-26B Invader - short story") is a vysokoplan with Keystone wing, made of laminar profile NAA-NACA. Aircraft length was 15.44 m, height - 5.64 m. fuselage type monokok. Technologically divided into five sections chotyrma power Frame: nasal (A-26 C - cabin navigator, A-26B - Weapons section), second (cockpit), third (bomb bay), fourth (arrow cabin with upper and lower kulementnymy Tower) and the tail section (tail feathers).
Two lonzheronne wing span 21.34 m, area 50.01 sq.m, rozdilyalos into four sections, which was located in the fuel. Mechanization wing consisted of four sections of two-schilovyh flaps that are operated by hydraulics. When they turned off at 15 deg., Landing - 45 deg.
Near the pod aircraft and air intakes are masloradiatory cooling.
Chassy - trohoporne with nose lift, which obladnuvalos damper "shymmi" and could rotate 360 degrees. Stand by flight prybyralas with turning wheels 90 degrees. ShemaOsnovna resistant prybyralas also on the flight. Shock - Air-oil type. Office cleaning and release of aircraft rozdilyalos chassis to the main system and emergency. Main - hydraulics, emergency - air.
Used two engines. In the first production aircraft A-26 Invader treated firm Pratt and Whitney or Ford R2800-71. Power - 2000 hp On the 701 machine was used engines R2800-79 (2370 hp). Bonnets consisted of two parts (top and bottom), easily presented serious. Himself motor kripyvsya in six points to the plane A-26 Invader. This allowed the three techniques in the field for one hour to replace the engine.
Used trohlopasni screws Hidromatic firm Hamilton Standard, their diameter was 3.84 m.
With weapons on the aircraft A-26 Invader used turelni installation company General Electric, which operated remotely. Each turret revolved 360 degrees. and obladnuvalas two machine guns Browning M2 (500 rounds each, caliber 7.12 mm).
Also in the bow could accommodate up to 8 guns, and pylons have pidkrylovyh 8.
Bombs Aircraft A-26 Invader housed in the bomb compartment and four pidkrylovyh pylons. In the later series was to use up to ten missiles neupravlyayemyh HVAR.
Maximum takeoff weight of the aircraft was 18,960 kg, reached a speed of 518 km / hr., Practical ceilings of 7470
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